Excellent /5 based on reviews
Are hearing difficulties affecting your quality of life? Are you looking for hearing aids that improve your quality of life? Contact Auzen to talk to one of our hearing specialists and find out today which GN ReSound hearing aids are best suited to your needs!
The Auzen Hearing Experts
Have Selected For You:
ReSound Nexia
microRIE 9
CHF 1,490 CHF 1,390 Great sound in
the smallest size

Resound Nexia microRIE 9 is a step further beyond the ReSound ONE and ReSound OMNIA. It boasts advanced performance and with 30 hours of battery life while reducing 25% of the device size. Its feature, Hearing in Noise, allows users to hear their voice naturally in high-noise situations.

ReSound Nexia
microRIE 5
CHF 1,090 CHF 990 Discretion and
natural sound

Just released in December 2023, the Resound Nexia microRIE 5 is the basic-level model of the ReSound Nexia microRIE family. The Nexia line is Resound's latest and most advanced performance line, delivering up to 30 hours of battery life.

ReSound Omnia 5
CHF 990 CHF 841.50 Miniaturisation
& Performance

The Omnia 5 RU561 DRWC rechargeable micro receiver in canal hearing aids are the first model in the ReSound Omnia line. This model, launched in 2022, ensures unrivalled sound quality and is ideal for all degrees of hearing loss.

ReSound One
CHF 1,390 Sound clarity
& Innovation

The GN ReSound One RT 961 DRWC model are receiver in canal (RIC) hearing aids powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. These hearing aids deliver superior sound quality thanks to an extra in-ear microphone.

ReSound Omnia 9
CHF 1,390 Elegant
& Highly Effective

The Omnia 9 RU961 DRWC rechargeable micro receiver in canal (RIC) hearing aids are the highest performing model in the ReSound Omnia line. This model, launched in 2022, ensures unrivalled sound quality and is ideal for all degrees of hearing loss.

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Compare ReSound Hearing Aids
Swipe each product to compare
ReSound One
ReSound One
12 bands min
24 bands min
Digital sound processing
Understanding in noise
Automatic adaptation to the environment
AntiTinnitus Program
Full Charge
30-hour battery life
30-hour battery life
Quick Charge feature
3-day battery life, without a power outlet
3-day battery life, without a power outlet
Automatic Fall Detection
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GN ReSound: from philosophy to technological innovation

GN ReSound follows a holistic philosophy that takes into account both individual auditory perception
and the various ways in which it is used. The brand’s philosophy is based on the belief that this
method provides an optimal experience and gives users a hearing solution that is as personalised as

This is because organic hearing mimics natural hearing and hearing patterns as closely as possible to
help the brain hear the way nature intended. This technology employed in GN ReSound hearing aid makes
it easier for wearers to focus on the conversation and localise ambient sounds even in the noisiest

For maximum comfort, all GN ReSound hearing aids have a unique anatomical shape that concentrates
sound within the ear for a more natural hearing experience. In this way, ReSound hearing aids naturally
adapt to the individual wearer, providing all-day comfort and ease of use.

ReSound strikes the perfect balance between nature and science by developing hearing aids that suit
the lifestyle of people with hearing loss, without requiring them to adapt their lives to their needs.
To minimise the need for adjustment, GN ReSound hearing aids are easy to recharge and are highly
weather resistant.

In addition, ReSound has taken its technological innovation one step further by adding natural control
to its hearing aids. Inspired by the way we intuitively interact with other people and devices in
day-to-day life, GN ReSound hearing aids allow users to listen to music and receive calls from their
mobile devices, just like wireless earbuds.

GN ReSound – a reliable partner for hearing specialists

GN ReSound partners with Auzen hearing specialists, who recommend ReSound’s hearing aids to their
clients for a number of reasons:

  • The brand’s real passion for sound and audiology
  • Extensive experience in the field of audiology, sound and communications
  • Remote control capabilities
  • Reliable products and accessories combined with Danish design
  • ReSound’s hearing aids are 100% made in Denmark.

In addition, the ReSound line of remote control hearing aids supports a smartphone app, which has
been highly rated by thousands of hearing aid users from other brands. Users can customise their GN
ReSound hearing aids using the app, with the support of hearing care partners such as Auzen.

Contact your Auzen hearing specialist now to learn more about the GN ReSound solutions that are best
suited for your needs.

Contact an Auzen hearing specialist
History of the GN ReSound brand

In 1869, Danish businessman and founder of the Great Nordic Telegraph Company (GN), C.F. Tietgen,
decided to lay a telegraph line through Siberia to the east. In this way, Tietgen paved the way for
global communication and trade by establishing the world’s first telegraph link between Northern Europe
and China.

As a company, GN ReSound’s courage and drive to innovate has been pushing the boundaries of technology
since 1869. Founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, GN Group revolutionised communications by laying the
world’s first submarine cable and reducing distances by building the first East-West telegraph line.

The ReSound company, founded in 1943, is a pioneer in the manufacture of hearing aids, becoming the
first to integrate 2.4 GHz technology to establish a direct connection. The brand also created the
world’s first Made for iPhone hearing aid with direct stereo sound streaming - an innovation which
has had a significant impact on the lives of people with hearing loss.

In 1977, the ReSound brand teamed up with GN, a company with unique expertise in the field of audio
technology, to jointly develop innovative hearing aids.

Back in 1949, GN ReSound played a pioneering role in FM radio communications with the Storno
radiotelephone, making it possible to call someone from a moving car for the first time in history!

In the early 1990s, GN ReSound launched its first major innovation on the global market — the DFS
system (Digital Feedback Suppression System) — which provided a more natural and comfortable hearing
experience for hearing aid wearers, without any interference.

The GN ReSound brand today

With a rich history, GN ReSound has managed to accumulate leading global expertise in the sphere of
hearing, sound, miniaturisation, wireless technology and collaboration with leading partners. Today,
ReSound is present in more than 80 countries worldwide and continues to defy convention with new
intelligent hearing solutions.

To become a leader in the hearing aid industry, a brand must have determination, dedication and a
desire to challenge the status quo. That’s why GN ReSound invests heavily in research and development
in order to retain its status as an expert brand in the field of audiology and hearing aids.

Taking full advantage of its R&D division and their expertise, GN ReSound has managed to master the
science of sound and fosters innovation inspired by natural hearing.

Learn more about GN ReSound hearing aids